Thursday, July 16, 2009


The constitution of the United states promises us 3 things, life which is given by god liberty which was forged by our forefathers and the pusuit of happiness. It is so ironic that they give us 2 things but charge us with the task of pursuing one. Happiness comes in many different forms for many different people. Some dream of wealth and prosperity others dream of the american dream white picket fence and all. I am a lil different. In all of my prayers hopes and dreams i wish for that which most do but i also long for a love that will rival all loves to come. Tonight as i sat and watch the Sex in the City movie i became jealous. A sense of loneliness that i have not know for a long time now encompassed me and i wept. The most simple things cause me to feel this way. I dont need houses and cars to be happy. A man with a lot of money is great but i dont need it. I want a man who can be there for me when times are ruff argue with me when we dont agree cringe when i grit my teeth in my sleep hold me when i cry and wipe the tears when im done. Is this too much to ask. If you are out there man of my dreams let me be the first to know. You cant imagine how hard it is to process one guy after another in the pursuit of my happiness, it is so draining. It has been almost 2 years since i have had a man to hold me when i sleep and kiss me when i awake. Person after person ask me a simple yet not so simple question, your beautiful smart and intelligent why are you single? I dont have the answer to that question and i fear i may never know. In this dark time in my life i just need someone 2 let me know its all gonna be ok. i want to love, i want to love like i have never wanted to love before. im ready. In this ifestyle everyone is so image conscious brows and labels balls and houses, i guess that is why i dont fit in. I go to great lengths to make myself beautiful, i mean come one everyone knows i have the brows of fury, but every mornin as i do my face darken my hair and make ready for the day and each night as i exfoliate and prepare for bed i wonder what is it all for? Being pretty is hard work many men see us pretty boys as unattainable spineless and bitchy. i am not one of those pretty boys. I am a housewife and loving spouse i am the man of your dreams. Most men are just 2 afraid to find out why. Rarely do most socialites give you a glimpse into their personal memoirs but these are mine. I share them with the hopes of finding love and my samantha charlotte and miranda. These are the confessions of a heartbroken socialite and you readers are my critics. thank you for your readership feedback and love.