Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Wssu presented many opportunities to which i had never been privy to. Freedom in extra helping size scoops. I didn't really know what to do with it. I quickly became a fashion sensation and a popular socialite but i still hid that insecurity and pain which had plagued me since high school. I began to look for that love in many different places and people i quickly learned that this was not the way to heal myself so i started to look for that long term love. I found it or at least i thought i did on a cool January night in Gleason hall. It was a love to end all loves romeo and Juliet had nothing on us, and beauty and the beast could have kissed our asses we were 2 gorgeous men making everyone jealous. The relationship was perfect the love unrivalled the love making passionate. I began to look toward the horizon i saw my life coming in to view. I imagined marrying this man finishing school moving to a new city and living the life. Its so funny how god has a whole other plan for your life. On march 7th my life changed forever. After stressing about a cold that wouldn't go away, glands that were swollen and tender and this lingering feeling that something was amiss that i just couldn't shake i went to the doctor for some routine tests. Everything seemed normal but just to be sure the doctor decided to give me an oral HIV test. Confident that all was well i sat content in the little office awaiting my results. The next few moments seem to have unfolded in slow motion the doctor walked in, sat down and opened the envelope.........well Mr hardy it seems that the test is p o s i t i v e. It seemed as if the word took an eternity feeling like i had been shot down my mind started to race from who when why me. I tried to stand but instead collapsed to the floor. I first told my ex he sat in disbelief and cried i called my husband and told him he cried but assured me that everything would be fine...not exactly this was the start of the collapse of my fairytale. At the time i needed him most he left me. For those of u who know about this man and never knew y we broke up this is it. I had no where to turn i could tell my fam, who could i run to? For anything but the first time in my life i was all alone. You know what was really fucked up i ended up positive the one time i slipped up but hey the first time you cross the road without looking may be the last so who's to say. If you guys want more detail just ask for another blog of send me a message. again this is extremely condensed.