Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Today i was blessed to sit in a room full of guys who i have come to love respect and cherish. To you guys i say you are my rocks i trust you guys with my inner most feelings and i thank you for not judging me but instead lifting me up to be the best girl (lol) i can be. To the men of that group to put it simply i love you guys so much. To my fave white-skinned girl and my newest best friend i just wanna let you kno how much i value your friendship and mentoring that will help me be on the front lines fighting with the veterans of the struggle.

I will begin my memoirs during my time at independence high school. High school is such an important time in a teens life. Lasting friendships parties and the first real taste of pure unadulterated shade. These year are usually some of the happiest most memorable years. For me Aug 2002 was the start of a long battle to stay alive. My family life was always a little unstable but during my matriculation at bIg the figurative house of cards collapsed. I was outed by a series of events that unfolded to include criminal charges and a family feud that lives on to this very moment. From that day it was all downhill. My parents began to shelter me i was not allowed to do anything, School was like a double edged sword it was my escape but it was also very draining to try to maintain a look of happiness and contentment when my support system was collapsing all around me. I fell in love with a man who shall remain nameless those of you who were around at that time kno to whom i am referring. Finally the void from the absence of love and validation had been filled. How many of you know that all that glitters ain't gold? In December 2005 the shit hit the fan my mom couldn't stand me the rift between my father and i turned into the grand canyon. The beatings got worse the holes in the wall, bigger and the the fractures in my glass heart, enumerable. Three days before Xmas my parents put me out, there was no Xmas that year. Depression set in and i lost sight of myself. Life became a constant struggle not to lose my life at the hands of...me. I was sent to see a shrink as the depression got worse, i fought this battle alone and in secret in the midst of keeping up this grandiose illusion at school of a well composed fab bitch: A lie i told to myself and all those around me. I returned home charges were pressed in the throw around of the following weeks, my parents put me out. I returned home a couple months later just in time to receive my acceptance letter from wssu a glimmer of hope in a world of dispare. The first in a series of heartbreaks happened just days after graduation when i left my ex to better myself. This chapter is condensed but it is the place from which most of my insecurity stems.