Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gay Marrige Yes or No--A political take

Ok so the other day a close "friend" of mine posed a question "gay marriage yes or no?" of course given my sexual prerogative i said yes. He then told me that a preacher had asked "so what about bisexual people?". the response seems simple but when you begin to let it marinate, as it has for me all week, you begin to question your natural response. A gay marriage bill would protect the civil liberties of homosexual me and women all over the country. Lets analyze that idea. Civil liberty is an interesting subject. when you think about it you must ask yourself is it really possible to protect every persons civil liberties? The main argument is "i should be able to marry whomever i want". Now, back to the preachers argument, if one applies that to the seeming rational argument to the pro-gay marriage position you have a problem. If a bisexual person loves a man and a woman he/she should be able to marry both right? That is after all what the argument suggests. I, in response to the argument my friend brought up, said that's not rational nor is it right. Hmmmm but why? That is the argument of the opposition, its just not right. However in the quagmire that is politics what is right and what is wrong? What civilized and even most industrialized groups consider to right is the view of the majority. Majority vote is after all how we make laws right? So i ask, if you had been the person that the pastor had raised his argument against what would your response have been. but be careful not to get tangled up in your own opinion. It is common knowledge that in order to win a debate you must be firm in your position but educated on the opposition.

He Proposed - Kelly Price