Thursday, December 3, 2009

The library of hearts

this is just a silly piece that popped into my head juss wanted to blog a lil of it

The day i saw the first man i wanted to be with it never occured to me that i had checked my first book out of the library of hearts. A thick chocolate leather bound new age work book of fiction one with many chapters twists and turns. He was one of those books that is not recommended for children. I should have read the blurb. Several chapters in i realized that the syntax was too complicated and the concepts were too mature so with a solemn despair i gently closed the book and placed it back on the shelf for the next patron. My next selection was a tall beautifully bound book that looked to be around 230 or so pages. I snatched it from the shelf just as another hand reached up for it and cracked the cover with foolish anticipation. This was a work of romantic fiction about two lovers who found each other on a winters day and were inseparable from that moment. The book was complex enough to challenge me but easy enough for me to fall in love with every sentence and hang on every word. But as all good romances do this one had a twist one so severe it broke my heart and left me tears as i slammed its cover and fought the urge to scatter the pages about the floor. I hate the library of hearts big books tall book shorts books and skinny book. Drama, science-fiction, romance, childrens and so many more to choose from. Since i left my last book laying in the aisle i have searched high and low for the non fiction/ autobiographical section to no avail. Over the years i have passed many study nooks and witnessed others happily enjoying their selection. where is my page turner the book that if judged by the cover would relfect the genius within. Is there a filing system maybe an index that could direct me in the right direction because i am overwhelmed by the millions of books some off limits some reserved and mistakenly placed back on the shelf. Others are missing pages or have long lost prequels that are no longer available. I think i could be rich if i made cliff notes for the selections in the library of hearts.